KPMG Report shows changes in Bourke had economic impact of $3.1m in 2017 & estimates $7m additional over 5 years

A landmark report by KPMG estimates that changes in Bourke, the site of Maranguka Justice Reinvestment, resulted in a gross economic impact of $3.1 million in 2017. If just half of the results achieved in 2017 are sustained, Bourke could deliver an additional economic impact of $7 million over the next five years.
The report, launched today in NSW Parliament assesses the impact achieved in 2017 in Bourke, the site of Maranguka Justice Reinvestment, the first major community-led justice reinvestment initiative in Australia.
Of the $3.1 million economic impact in 2017, approximately two-thirds relates to the justice system and one third is broader economic impact to the region.
This is the first ever report of its kind in Australia, assessing the substantial economic impacts of investing in justice reinvestment and supporting communities to lead the solutions.
Since 2012, Maranguka, the community-led entity in Bourke, in partnership with Just Reinvest NSW, has undertaken activities designed to create change within the community and the justice system. Those activities have included: Aboriginal leaders inspiring a grassroots movement for change amongst local community members, facilitating collaboration and alignment across the service system, delivering new community based programs and service hubs, and partnering with justice agencies such as the police, to evolve their procedures, behaviour and operations towards a proactive and reinvestment model of justice.
The report highlights improvements in three key areas:
- Family strength: a 23% reduction in police recorded incidence of domestic violence and comparable drops in rates of reoffending
- Youth development: a 31% increase in year 12 student retention rates and a 38% reduction in charges across the top five juvenile offence categories
- Adult empowerment: a 14% reduction in bail breaches and 42% reduction in days spent in custody.
Maranguka Justice Reinvestment has been largely supported by philanthropists. The economic impact was approximately five times greater than the operational costs in 2017.
In recognition of KPMG’s commitment to using their skills and resources to effect real change for Indigenous Australians, the report was prepared on a pro bono basis.
Download the report: KPMG Impact Assessment
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