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Get involved in justice reinvestment and support Aboriginal communities in New South Wales reduce their interactions with the criminal justice system:


Just Reinvest NSW is working hard within community to break the cycle of high rates of interactions with the criminal justice system. A donation is a tangible way you can support this work on the ground. This funding goes directly to ‘justice circuit-breaker’ activities in community to have a positive impact. Training and mentoring is provided for our team members, so they have all the support they need to make a difference.


  • Provide additional resources to community ‘Backbone teams’ so they can engage their communities.
  • Support community staff to carry out program activities such as night programs, sport, learner driver programs, youth camps, holiday programs and cultural activities.
  • Provide the means for additional training costs of our team members.
  • Provide additional resources for advocacy and public education to increase awareness and support for Justice Reinvestment in NSW.

CHOOSE A COMMUNITY FOR YOUR DONATION (choose from the drop down list)

  • Moree
  • Mt Druitt
  • Kempsey-Macleay Valley
  • Nowra


Just Reinvest NSW, 45 George St, Redfern, NSW 2016, Australia

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible

Just Reinvest NSW was formed as an independent, non-profit, membership-based, incorporated association. We are a small team and rely on the generosity of a few individuals and organisations who have gifted us with one-off and ongoing contributions or in-kind support. We are auspiced by Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT).

Other ways to support us

Work with us

Just Reinvest NSW has roles in community engagement, youth, data management, operations, policy, advocacy, and partnerships. All vacancies will be published here when we are actively recruiting. For general HR inquiries contact:


Just Reinvest NSW requires long-term partners across many sectors to achieve systemic change, and our philanthropic and foundation partners remain fundamental to the success of justice reinvestment initiatives.


The Aboriginal communities that we support often require additional support that can be provided by interns across a range of research and practical tasks and projects. To find out more about current internships please contact Aurora Education Foundation.

Follow us and share

Please help spread the word by following us on our social channels and sharing our content with your networks.

Contact us

To learn more about how you can help please contact our team at the following email address:

The average daily number of Aboriginal adult prisoners in NSW increased by 36.4% in the last decade (3524)

Get Involved/
As a Community member

Here you can discover the ways of learning about and engaging with JR that will best suit your community and the circumstances that you find are affecting Aboriginal People’s contact with the criminal justice system, and what you can do about it.

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